Sweet & Sour Shrimp



  • 8-12oz shrimp
  • 1T soy sauce
  • 2 eggs
  • 1T flour
  • 1T cornstarch
  • 3T oil (corn? vegetable?)

Orange Sauce

  • 2T cornstarch
  • 1/2 cup orange juice
  • 1/4 cup brown sugar
  • 1/4 cup vinegar
  • 1/2t garlic powder


  • rice
  • pineapple bits
  • snap pease


Marinate Shrimp

Cut shrimp into bite-size pieces. Marinate in soy sauce for 1 hour.

Prep Orange Sauce

Boil ingredients together until thick. Add pineapple and snap pea extras before serving.

Fry & Finish Shrimp

Mix beaten eggs, flour, cornstarch. Heat oil in medium high skillet. Drain shrimp and dry. Stir into egg mixture. Fry until golden brown.

Remove from heat, pat with paper towel to remove excess oil. Immediately stir into orange sauce and serve over rice.